merchant city Archives - Page 3 of 5 - Get Out Glasgow!

What’s On: KILTR Street Food Festival

Glasgow Street Food Festival Whats On Guide

Street food’s really the in thing at the moment, with foodies everywhere casting off the pretense of the traditional restaurant to instead get their hands dirty with the likes of pulled pork and gourmet burgers (amongst many others). It’s so obvious why this kind of fast, delicious, fresh and high quality food is appealing in… [Keep Reading]

At a Glance: Refugee Week Scotland 2013

Running from 17-23 June, Refugee Week Scotland is part of a UK-wide arts and cultural festival that celebrates the unique skills and talents refugees from around the world bring to Scotland. Now in its 15th year, this year’s programme – co-ordinated by Scottish Refugee Council and packed with music, comedy, theatre, literature, community celebrations and… [Keep Reading]

Reviewed: Browns, George Square

Browns Glasgow Review

My friends, I have discovered heaven, and you might be surprised to read that it can be found in a glass served by a good looking lad or lass in Browns, George Square. Heaven is a Browns’ After Seven Mojito (£7) served on a Saturday evening as you shake off the working week and put… [Keep Reading]

Reviewed: Sapporo Teppanyaki, Merchant City


I will admit I had a certain apprehension when I was told about Sapporo Teppanyaki and how the food was cooked and served, it sounded far from appealing. But needs must and when this was the chosen destination for a celebration meal for a colleague it was in for a penny in for a pound… [Keep Reading]

In Photos: Glasgow in Black and White 2

Glasgow black and white photos

A few more beautiful photos of Glasgow in black and white. If you missed the first post, be sure to check it out now. Click the thumbnails to view full-sized images. Declan Malone is a photographer living and working in Glasgow. You can view more of his work on his official website, or you can… [Keep Reading]