Reviewed: Circus of Horrors, Barrowlands

Circus of Horrors Glasgow Barrowlands

I’ve seen a lot of things in my time. I’ve been lucky enough to travel a fair bit, meet countless interesting people and experience a wealth of different things. But until last week I can safely say I’ve never seen a man lift a cannonball with his unmentionables…and then proceed to attach himself to a Henry Hoover, dragging poor Henry back and forward across an empty ... [Continue Reading]

Reviewed: Midlake, O2 ABC

Midlake Gig Review Glasgow

As Midlake took to the stage on Saturday at the O2 ABC, I could say there was a certain nervous excitement amongst the audience, but that would probably be bending the truth a bit for my own dramatic purposes. Most of the gig-goers seemed to be bearded and hardy; grizzled veterans already liquored up and at ease. However, I have to admit that I felt somewhat tentative ... [Continue Reading]

Reviewed: Colin Macleod & Irenie Rose, St Andrews in the Square

Colin Macleod Review Glasgow

It’s difficult to not feel awfully spoiled being Scottish. We’ve punched above our weight in a lot of ways over the years, and for me, the breadth and depth of musical talent from right across the country is one of the best examples of this. Stornoway was the source of that hidden talent this time around, and although getting down to St. Andrews in the Square was a ... [Continue Reading]

Reviewed: Club Noir’s Valentine’s in New York

Sipping champagne and marveling at an exquisite pair of nipple tassels - not exactly what I expected I would be doing on Valentine’s Day. Complete with corsets, suspenders, glitter and marvel - Club Noir is not your average romantic Valentine’s Day surprise, and of course, not for the faint-hearted. It is, in fact, as far as can be from average, being the biggest ... [Continue Reading]

Reviewed: Mo Kenney & Support, Old Hairdressers

I confess, despite being a semi-regular at The Old Hairdressers over the last few months, I had no idea it put on live music. And while I’m at it, I must confess prior ignorance of one of Nova Scotia’s most promising young talents, Mo Kenney, so the evening was somewhat of a revelation on two counts. If you haven’t been down to the Old Hairdressers before, you’d be ... [Continue Reading]

Reviewed: Independent Venue Week Gig, King Tut’s

Independent Venue Week King Tuts Glasgow Review

Something you might have heard recently is that the music business is in serious trouble. Iconic figures like “21st century luddite” (who also happens to perform almost exclusively electronic music these days) Thom Yorke and former Talking Head David Byrne would have you believe that just by booting up Spotify you’re personally contributing to the death of music. And ... [Continue Reading]

Reviewed: Hazy Recollections, O2 ABC

Hazy Recollections Glasgow Review

"Hip hop is just like folk music. But with caps instead of cardigans." Let's face it. One way or another this year's all about identity. Are we British, Scottish, both or neither? Do we move forwards, sideways, back or stay the same? Folk music is often seen as the most conservative of music genres: unwelcoming of new ideas and determined to remain in some imagined ... [Continue Reading]

Reviewed: Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip, The Arches

It seems like an age ago that Scroobius Pip and Dan Le Sac teamed up to form the duo that has went on to churn out some of the best goddamn hip-hop I’ve heard in years. If you haven’t experienced their unique blend of alternative hip-hop that spans from gentle spoken word to a much heavier industrial sound, you need to. Apart from occasionally sounding (maybe just a ... [Continue Reading]